White Dog helping out with the laundry....by getting in the machine
notes: no white dog was harmed by the washing machine. she only sat there while I loaded the clothes in then I look her out and please be sure to remove all dogs from washing machines before starting a wash cycle. 
When socks go missing in this house....
nope, the dryer doesn't eat them, finley "steals" them, proof is below
evidence: sock trail points to the culprit hiding under the bed
"but momma socks are my friends" - finley
"mmm socks all for me" -finley
not giving up the sock
not even to scratch
she even wants to take it outside...we don't let her
wanted to spend with momma while I was on the computer
Finley helping bring her bag to the door
" Momma, I swear it wasn't me" - Finley
but I've seen you turn this:
into this: (there's pictures to prove it)
Finley taking a nap with her stuffed dog pal
pouting in bed after watching Daddy leave for work without her
using the purple bag as a pillow
the blanket must be a comfier pillow
or maybe the purse is
Finley with the loot we collected from 3 PetSmarts, 1 Petcetera and 2 PetValus
includes 1 bag of food, a box of dog biscuits, Northern Biscuits dog biscuits, Fruitable, Kong toy stuffers in peanut butter and bacon n cheese, water bottle for her crate, soft pin hair brush, a leash, three collars, a clicker, Blue Buffalo wet dog food (the chicken dinner kind for christmas), Zoe sticks, Zuke's mini in peanut butter (3 bags), Blue Buffalo soft treats (2 different kinds) and a Greenies Dental Chew
"Mamma. this is not what I had in mind when I wanted to help decorate" -Finley
Finley "helping" with the Christmas Decorations
"Mommy, stop taking my picture and dry me please" - Finley